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  Name : Judi Redfern
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : We are looking for a female Silkyterrier. We recently lost our 8yr old Cavalier, and have all facilities ready for a new little girl.
Date : 14-May-24

  Name : Jim Goodin
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : I lost my baby Daphne to a liver tumor 2 years ago. I am looking for a loving and sociable silky to replace the darling I have lost. This must be a very special dog.
Date : 14-May-24

  Name : Deborah Champs
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : I maybe searching for a silky terrier puppy soon, just looking to see what pedigree puppies are available and where, thankyou
Date : 18-Sep-23

  Name : Don Harvey
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : Used to have silky and loved him7m1q
Date : 17-Aug-23

  Name : Wayne
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : Silky Terriers are my favorite dog. I have just lost my male and female (brother and Sister aged 15 Years) in January 2023 and I miss them dreadfully and wondering if there is somewhere that I could buy/adopt another.
Date : 25-Jul-23

  Name : Danny Lumby
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : I have had and loved 5 Silky terriers since 1980. My current silky is 7 years old and has been a great Assistance dog to me as I have Parkinson's Disease, he follows and stays with me every where I go. I'm looking for a companion for him and me. Male or female puppy or older silky would be nice. I can guarantee a loving home
Date : 5-Jun-23

  Name : Robert Harton
Web Site : http://under development.
Country : Australia
How you found us : K9 Research Lab
Comments : Through 3 generations of Silky Terriers as of now. Currently loving owner of 2 brothers from the prominent NSW breeder of the finest lines available. Show quality pedigree dogs, outstanding presentation. Very much looking forward to see photos of Silkies available & to show (off;) ours.
Date : 11-Jan-23

  Name : Judy
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : Looking to join Australian Silky Terrier Club but everything seems to be very out of date. Is there currently an active club?
Date : 31-Oct-22

  Name : Lisa Presley
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments :
Date : 12-Sep-22

  Name : Sandra Mulvihill
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : We have a rescue male 8 1/2 years Scooby Doo he is such a little treasure. We have started obedience training to assist him in his transition to his new home. I read all the guestbook comments and upeup rang a bell he is happiest held and so peaceful when he sleeps he has brought us so much joy after we lost the last of our 3 Maltese just as Covid started. Having both grown up with Persian cats Brittany dogs and Kelpies we are committed to Scooby welfare well being as a loved member of our family.
Date : 10-Sep-22

  Name : Barbara
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : internet search
Comments : Having previously owned a silk for 16 years. Looking for my forever friend in retirement.
Date : 11-Apr-22

  Name : lorraine jacobs
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : google search
Comments : I have had two silkies and just love them. I could not get one back in 2009 so settled for Silky cross with maltese (two actually) They have been and are delightful but when my babies pass I am considering trying to again get a pure bred little girl. I will keep an eye out. Thank you for letting me sign
Date : 8-Mar-22

  Name : Jack Reilly
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Referral
Comments : Looking for new silky pup asap.
Date : 19-Feb-22

  Name : Anne
Web Site :
Country : Australua
How you found us : Google
Comments : Interested in purchasing a silky terrier puppy am 60 have previously had silky terrier and found them to be great pets
Date : 21-Jan-22

  Name : Andrzej Rogacki
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google search
Comments : Hello, my wife and I are retired couple living in SE Melbourne. We had a silky terrier as out lovely pet for nearly 17 years, before she passed away. After not having a pet companion for more then 2 years, we would love to have another silky. As we found out, the silkies are hard to find breed, would you be able to assist us to have one added to our family? Thank you kindly.
Date : 17-Jan-22

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Secretary Jan Cooke 9850 1495