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Web Site :
How you found us : Google
Comments : My great nanna had a silky terrier,since then I have always loved the breed. I was blessed beyond Measure last year when I bought a Silky of my own. His name is BOSS and he has literally saved my life from deep depression I had been suffering fir years.I cannot chuff enough about him .WE ALL NEED TO GET BEHIND PROMOTING THIS FABULOUS BREED!!
Date : 18-Sep-24

  Name : Judi Redfern
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : We are looking for a female Silkyterrier. We recently lost our 8yr old Cavalier, and have all facilities ready for a new little girl.
Date : 14-May-24

  Name : Jim Goodin
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : I lost my baby Daphne to a liver tumor 2 years ago. I am looking for a loving and sociable silky to replace the darling I have lost. This must be a very special dog.
Date : 14-May-24

  Name : Deborah Champs
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : I maybe searching for a silky terrier puppy soon, just looking to see what pedigree puppies are available and where, thankyou
Date : 18-Sep-23

  Name : Don Harvey
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : Used to have silky and loved him7m1q
Date : 17-Aug-23

  Name : Wayne
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : Silky Terriers are my favorite dog. I have just lost my male and female (brother and Sister aged 15 Years) in January 2023 and I miss them dreadfully and wondering if there is somewhere that I could buy/adopt another.
Date : 25-Jul-23

  Name : Danny Lumby
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : I have had and loved 5 Silky terriers since 1980. My current silky is 7 years old and has been a great Assistance dog to me as I have Parkinson's Disease, he follows and stays with me every where I go. I'm looking for a companion for him and me. Male or female puppy or older silky would be nice. I can guarantee a loving home
Date : 5-Jun-23

  Name : Robert Harton
Web Site : http://under development.
Country : Australia
How you found us : K9 Research Lab
Comments : Through 3 generations of Silky Terriers as of now. Currently loving owner of 2 brothers from the prominent NSW breeder of the finest lines available. Show quality pedigree dogs, outstanding presentation. Very much looking forward to see photos of Silkies available & to show (off;) ours.
Date : 11-Jan-23

  Name : Judy
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : Looking to join Australian Silky Terrier Club but everything seems to be very out of date. Is there currently an active club?
Date : 31-Oct-22

  Name : Lisa Presley
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments :
Date : 12-Sep-22

  Name : Sandra Mulvihill
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : We have a rescue male 8 1/2 years Scooby Doo he is such a little treasure. We have started obedience training to assist him in his transition to his new home. I read all the guestbook comments and upeup rang a bell he is happiest held and so peaceful when he sleeps he has brought us so much joy after we lost the last of our 3 Maltese just as Covid started. Having both grown up with Persian cats Brittany dogs and Kelpies we are committed to Scooby welfare well being as a loved member of our family.
Date : 10-Sep-22

  Name : Barbara
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : internet search
Comments : Having previously owned a silk for 16 years. Looking for my forever friend in retirement.
Date : 11-Apr-22

  Name : lorraine jacobs
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : google search
Comments : I have had two silkies and just love them. I could not get one back in 2009 so settled for Silky cross with maltese (two actually) They have been and are delightful but when my babies pass I am considering trying to again get a pure bred little girl. I will keep an eye out. Thank you for letting me sign
Date : 8-Mar-22

  Name : Jack Reilly
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Referral
Comments : Looking for new silky pup asap.
Date : 19-Feb-22

  Name : Anne
Web Site :
Country : Australua
How you found us : Google
Comments : Interested in purchasing a silky terrier puppy am 60 have previously had silky terrier and found them to be great pets
Date : 21-Jan-22

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Secretary Jan Cooke 9850 1495